- Design of glasses for photonics applications: chemistry / structure / modelling / shaping
- 3D Functionalization and nano/micro modification of optical/chemical/mechanical/thermal properties of glass assisted by Laser or/and electric field poling (bulk, fiber, thin film, assemblies)
- Lab-on fiber and chip sensing and advanced-microscopy fabrication
- Glass structuring for optical memories
- Information transport in laser structured fibers for sensing
- Integrated photonic components that have the potential to improve today’s femtosecond lasers’ efficiency
- Prepare staff members thanks to a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment, to be key experts and ambassadors for innovation in photonics
- Benefit from a coordinated wide network program, including a wide range of transferable skills to be employable both in academia and industry
- Contribute to bridge the gap between academic research and the needs of end users in industry and to the networking

The general objective of the project FUNGLASS – FUNctional GLASS integration in photonic devices and components- addresses one of the most crucial challenges in research and innovation which lies in the design and manufacturing of optical components and systems [a3]. Among the materials used in photonic devices, glasses play a central role: they are used as laser sources, lenses, smart screen and optical fibers to name a few [a4]. One current challenge related to the three-dimensional processing of glass is the throughput that limits the use of the technology to a narrow range of applications, in particular, large scale production. The FUNGLASS breakthrough relies on the control of nano/micro processing in glass by laser writing or poling, offering extraordinary opportunities for fabrication
of elementary building-blocks with unique topology, morphology and novel properties for the design of integrated multifunctional components and devices. In playing with novel glass compositions, nano/micro patterning for functionalization in glass, laser/poling glass machining offers an unique opportunity to fabricate with better throughput, highly efficient and sustainable components or devices for smaller size and cost. Future developments require multiple properties issues such as transmission window, linear and nonlinear optical propagation of light, conductivity, surface chemical activity, photosensitivity, thermal and mechanical properties, etc. to be addressed.
FUNGLASS has the overall objective that each participating researcher increases its set of skills, both research-related and transferable, thank to the acquisition of a broad set of scientific know-hows, coupled with transferable skills especially in communication and business.
FUNGLASS aims at enhancing the competences of the participating researchers in the field of :
- Team work, by experiencing multidisciplinary teams during their secondments.
- Communication, scientific dissemination and outreach towards various actors in different disciplines and areas, for specialists within and out of the network, as well as for people not involved or even objected to science by using different channels and tools: writing papers for scientific journals, writing articles for a more general public, preparing posters to present their work to experts.
- Organisation and management, via the organisation of some events.
- Business, as an essential knowledge for researchers who will later work in industry or create start-ups, willing to develop successful innovative projects, tackling the ‘valley of death’ problem and meeting the needs of markets; but also for future academic researchers who must be able to judge the economic, societal and ethical implications of their work.
In addition to these skills, FUNGLASS aims at supporting the career prospects of the staff members involved in the project in practical ways, mainly by the organisation of Career & Affiliates Days.
Advanced Photonic Materials
Lead beneficiary : CICECO
Other beneficiaries involved : UB , COPL , ACP , UNESP
WP2 should ensure and perform the design, synthesis, characterization and modelling of new original glasses with properties rendering them suitable for functionalization (WP3) and integration in photonic devices and systems (WP4). To target properties including mid-infrared transmission, high optical quality and chemical stability, high refractive index, high˜(2) and ˜(3) nonlinear optical properties, as well as good hosting ability to metal ions. WP2 also aims at providing advanced glasses in bulk, fibre and thin film forms. Breakthroughs in glass materials design rely on a highly interdisciplinary approach which combines understanding of existing material properties and innovative adaptation of material composition for targeted non-equilibrium glass processing such as direct laser writing or thermal poling. Using such approaches first requires a broad understanding and deep expertise in the design, synthesis and characterization of glass structure and properties at various scales. The variety of chemical and optical responses which are be explored, associated with materials design, engineering and processing, necessitates efficient feedback loops between the functionalization WP3 and the integration WP4.
- Glass material synthesis
- Physical properties characterization
- Glass structure characterization along with modelling
- Optimization of glass compositions and synthesis
Nano / micro Patterning and Functionalization of Materials
Lead beneficiary : ACP
Other beneficiaries involved : UB, COPL, CICECO
WP3 will use original materials produced in WP2 and commercial glasses. The aim is to functionalize these materials, by developing localized contrast in terms of linear and nonlinear optical properties, chemical and mechanical properties to address 2D and 3D nano/micro structuring. It will use distinct techniques, such as ultrafast laser processes (including spatial- temporal beam shaping), patterned electro-thermal and/or optical poling, and selective chemical etching and activation. WP3 will develop functions to be integrated in WP4.
A key strength of the FUNGLASS project derives from the strong links between specially designed glassy compositions (WP2) and the functionalization processes described in this Workpackage. WP3 allows 3D and surface micro/nano-functionalization of optical, mechanical and chemical properties.
- Local characterization and optical propagation modelling
- Linear optical engineering (refractive index, luminescence, plasmonic properties …)
- Use of electro-thermal and optical micro poling procedures, second order nonlinear optical (SON) properties engineering in bulk, thin film and fibre glassy materials
- Chemical properties engineering
- Laser-based micro/nano patterning and dissimilar assembly for monolithic photonics components used in compact Lasers using ultrafast lasers
- Laser process optimization and parallelization
Integration, Components and Systems
Lead Beneficiary : COPL
Other beneficiaries involved : CICECO, ACP, UB
WP4 objective is to develop unconventional multifunctional components, devices and systems for imaging, sensing, data storage and optical manipulation applications and for the production of highly efficient laser systems.
Advanced, functional photonic components, devices and systems are crucial in securing and maintaining the status “Key Enabling Technology” for Photonics. FUNGLASS understands the importance of novel components, devices and systems for the continued success of Photonics and proposes advanced materials and novel functionalization schemes to develop unconventional multifunctional components, devices and systems for imaging, sensing, data storage and for the production of highly efficient laser systems.
- Demonstration of an optofluidic lab- on-a-fiber for sensing
- Fabrication of microscopy-on-chip
- Laser compactness, energy deposition optimization and reliable functioning
- Implementation of onformation transport and sensing in metal/dielectric structures
- Demonstration of Tbits/cm3 capacity for perennial optical data storage
- Prototyping on-chip Mid-IR sources with tunable and broadband on-chip OPO based Mid-IR sources
Staff exchange and knowledge sharing
Dissemination / training
Lead Beneficiary : UNESP
Other beneficiaries involved : CICECO, ACP, UB, COPL
The aim of WP5 is to enable Early Stage Researchers’ exchange excellence and careers by developing their skills in the scientific, research, communication, business, management fields and so on, through an effective training programme and secondments.
With WP5, research WP2-4 combine the scientific research, knowledge sharing and communication aims displayed by the project for the 204 person-months involved to achieve maximum impact in the project and beyond.
- Drafting and updating of Personal Carrerer Develoment Plans
- Research training
- Knowledge sharing
- Organisation of join events
Dissemination and exploitation
Lead Beneficiary : UB
Other beneficiaries involved : CICECO, ACP, UNESP, COPL
WP6 aims at ensuring the dissemination and communication of the results to a broad audience (including the scientific and industrial community, stakeholders and the general public) by using relevant tools to present FUNGLASS outcomes and impacts, to promote multi-disciplinary science to younger generation in particular amongst women, to produce high standard scientific publications (preferably in open access journals), to communicate about the impact of FUNGLASS for a more sustainable and competitive European industry. Its objective is also to study the business opportunities arising from FUNGLASS, to exploit the outcomes of the project, to manage the IP issues and define credible paths for the commercialization of the results.
- Intellectual Property management
- Technology Oriented Market Survey
- Dissemination of the FUNGLASS results
- External communication
Lead Beneficiary : UB
Other beneficiaries involved : CICECO , COPL , ACP , UNESP
WP1 should ensure and perform the management of the project (dealing with legal, financial and administrative issues), the technical and strategic coordination, the risk management, the internal communication to reach the objectives of the project with respect to timeframe and budget.
Train a pool of highly-skilled engineers, ready to become excellent researchers or CTOs or entrepreneurs in a wide range of industries and services related to photonics innovation
Increase the potential for European companies to be the leaders in fast-growing markets (optical components and systems) by stimulating and structuring European innovation capacity
Produce and validate proof of concept and demonstrators
Strengthen European collaboration in the field of novel photonic devices and components
Exploit the FUNGLASS results through patents, spin-off creation and new products or services delivered to markets
Structure the community with collaborations and complementarities along the value chain, as a basis for further collaborations
A RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) PROJECT
“The RISE scheme promotes international and cross-sector collaboration through exchanging research and innovation staff, and sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa).
The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes.”