Novel optical amorphous phosphate materials with a low melting temperature

Category : Publications | Date : Avr 17, 2022

Simon Kaser, Théo Guérineau, Clément Strutynski, Reda Zaki, Marc Dussauze, Etienne Durand, Sandra H. Messaddeq, Sylvain Danto, Younès Messaddeq and Thierry Cardinal

Mater. Adv., 2022,3, 4600-4607


We report on the synthesis of transparent amorphous hydrated phosphate materials at low temperatures.

These new transparent materials were studied by Raman and FTIR spectroscopies. The structure of the hydrated phosphates is proposed to consist of both short phosphate chains and isolated phosphate groups linked together by hydrogen bonds. Containing up to 40 mol% of water, most of the physico- chemical properties remain unchanged, except for the characteristic glass temperatures. Moreover, the most hydrated amorphous phosphate materials tend to exhibit a softening phenomenon below 150 °C.
The addition of ZnO to these phosphate materials offers better glass stability against moisture while maintaining the glass properties of zinc-free materials. Hence, these new amorphous transparent materials pave the way for novel low melting temperature optical material.