FUNGLASS days – Every Tuesday from 17 May to 14 June 2022
Category : Events | Date : Mai 10, 2022

Watch Live Sessions and Replay on « FUNGLASS PROJECT » YouTube channel
Germany, Jena (Tuesday 17 May 2022) – Ultrashort pulse laser processing of glass – 15 pm
Institute of Applied Physics, Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 07745 Jena
15:00 – 17:00 local time, seminar room
Registration to the Jena ZOOM session:
New developments in optical fibers for femtosecond lasers
Dr. Arno Klenke, Helmholtz Institute Jena ( & Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institute of Applied Physics (
High strength Fiber Bragg gratings for sensor applications
Dr. Christian Voigtländer, FBGS Technologies GmbH (
Fiber Bragg gratings as multi-notch spectral filter components
Thorsten A. Goebel, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institute of Applied Physics (
Advanced laser based glass structuring for microfluidic diagnostics
Dr. Felix Dreisow, SCHOTT Technical Glass Solutions GmbH (
Inscribing Modifications by Tailored Ultrashort Pulsed Beams for Glass Separation
Dr. Malte Kumkar, TRUMPF Laser GmbH (
Portugal, Aveiro (Tuesday 24 May 2022) – Photonic Materials for Lighting – 14 pm
UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO / CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials
14:00 – 16:00 local time, CICFANO videoconference room
Registration to the Aveiro ZOOM session:
Sol-gel derived organic-inorganic hybrids for lighting
Rute Ferreira, Department of Physics, University of Aveiro
How light defies the Lighting
Vânia Teixeira, Lightenjin II – Indústria de iluminação Lda (
Lights on at Simoldes
Ana Rita Bastos & Rita Frias, Simoldes Plastic Division (
Brazil, Saõ Paulo (Tuesday 31 May 2022) – Glass for IR and sensing technologies (National system of photonics laboratories – SisFoton) – 10 am
10:00 – 12:00 local time, only remote
Registration to the Sao Paulo ZOOM session:–qqz0tHNySCUO9v55NICbjRxDfMS28
Magnetic Glasses
Marcelo Nalin- UNESP Fotonica- Lavie- Instituto de Quimica- UNESP
Functional Glasses and Organic Inorganic hybrids at LAMF-UNESP
Sidney J.L. Ribeiro- UNESP LAMF- Instituto de Quimica- UNESP
Projects Using Special Glasses and Fibers in the National System of Photonics Laboratories – Sisfoton
João Batista Rosolem -Center for Research and Development in Telecom- CPQD, Campinas, Brazil (
Development of passive components and systems based on optical fibers
Francisco Smolka – Optolink, Campinas- Brazil (
Canada, Québec (Tuesday 7 June 2022) – Special design of optical fibers and their applications – 9 am
UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL / COPL – Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers
09:00 – 11:00 local time
Registration to the Québec ZOOM session:
Fiber optic in neuroscience research to record and manipulate specific neural activity with light
Jean-Luc Neron, Doric Lens Company
Recent advances in Mid-IR barium germano-gallate glasses: fiber drawing and direct laser writing
Théo Guérineau, COPL
Direct-laser-writing of arbitrary long waveguides in optical fibers
Mathieu Bellec, CNRS, INPHYNI, Université de Bordeaux
Fibers for Future Optical Telecommunications
Lixian Wang, Huawei
France, Bordeaux (Tuesday 14 June 2022) – Glass surface and multimaterials fibers – 15 pm
UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX / CELIA Center for Intense Lasers and Applications, ISM – Institute of Molecular Sciences, ICMCB – Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux
15:00 – 17:00 local time, Amphi de l’IOA (Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, 1 Rue François Mitterrand, 33400 Talence)
Registration to the Bordeaux ZOOM session AND THE FACE-TO-FACE:
IMPORTANT: registration is also MANDATORY FOR THE FACE-TO-FACE session in IOA BEFORE Monday 13 June 9h
Stack-and-draw revisited for the engineering of multimaterial ribbon fibers with large surface-area
Sylvain Danto, ICMCB, University of Bordeaux
Multi-functionality in glasses managed at the micrometer scale by an imprinting thermo-electrical process
Marc Dussauze, ISM, CNRS
Specialty fibers for sensing
Thierry Robin, IXBlue company
High refractive index glasses designed for Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR)
Antoine Lepicard, Corning company