Sylvain DANTO
Research Scientist
University of Bordeaux (ICMCB)
Involved in FUNGLASS Work Packages :
« I received my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from the University of Rennes (France) in 2005 where I worked on amorphous semiconductors for data storage and infrared optics. Next I joined the group of the Prof. Yoel Fink at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, as a research associate (2006-2010). At MIT I developed novel multi-material optical fibers with a focus on the in-fiber glass/crystal phase-change capability for fiber-based optoelectronic devices. Then I joined the group of the Prof. Kathleen Richardson at Clemson University, USA, as a research scientist (2011-2013). There I pursued research on amorphous semiconductors for mid-infrared optics and photonics, in bulk, film and fiber forms. I’m the coauthor of more than 30 journal publications, 2 book-chapters and he holds 4 patents (2 U.S., 1 European, 1 French) on optical glasses and fibers. Currently I’m located at the Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB, UMR 5026 CNRS University of Bordeaux). There I aim at establishing a new research activity on specialty optical fibers for applications ranging mid-infrared optics, photosensitive fibers , fiber Lasers and novel smart fibers with unique functionalities »