Leonardo Vieira ALBINO
PhD Student
Université de Bordeaux (ICMCB)
Involved in FUNGLASS Work Packages :
“ I was born in Itapetininga, Brazil. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry (IQ), State University of São Paulo (UNESP), in Araraquara, Brazil.
In 2018, I obtained the title of Master in Chemistry and am currently a PhD student in Chemistry at the UNiversity of Bordeaux and IQ, UNESP, working with glass and glass ceramics doped with rare earth ions for magneto-optical applications, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Nalin and Prof. Dr. Thierry Cardinal.
I have attended courses in pedagogy and have already given courses in experimental inorganic chemistry and general and inorganic chemistry for undergraduate courses in Brazil..”